If you are a business, you can enjoy a number of advantages by establishing your business in the country of Switzerland. However, to embark on this type of endeavour, you need to go to a company that offers company registration and formation in Switzerland.
An Advantageous Way to Do Business
That way, you can learn more all about all the steps that are included for forming a business in Switzerland. A Swiss incorporation is advantageous, primarily for reasons of taxation. However, taxation is a major concern of companies. Therefore, it pays, literally, to establish and incorporate your business on Swiss soil.
A Swiss company formation is a rewarding way to enjoy all the amenities involved in doing business in this manner. When you contact a company that handles these types of incorporation, you can be assured that the establishment of your business will be legal and go as you envision.
For example, when you work with an incorporation business, the professional with whom you contact will discuss certain options before taking direction from you. He or she will make sure that all the Fiduciary and Legal Agreements are prepared and signed.
In addition to the preparation of paperwork, the agent will also make sure that the bank account are opened for the company’s capital and that all the incorporation paperwork is prepared and presented for review. This paperwork includes the Memorandum and Articles of Association as well as the Foundation documents.
Attending a Notary Meeting
Your representative will attend Notary Meeting to ensure incorporation and submit all the pertinent incorporation paperwork to the Commercial Registry. This is done to register your company. When the commercial registration of a company is secured, it can begin trading. This type of process takes about three weeks overall.
After your company is incorporated and registered, the company you use for these purposes will need to handle a number of post-incorporation tasks. At this point, you will need to establish a chart of account as well as an accounting mandate. This is required under Swiss law as the accounting records must be kept in Switzerland.
Discussing Your Business Plans
You will also need to discuss the plans for your business. This entails detailing and preparing a summary budget for the first 12 trading months. You will also need to establish invoicing and templates for a letterhead as well as set up bank accounts for the company. Online banking is usually set up for added convenience.
Follow-through also includes registering your business for Swiss VAT, where it applies, and agreeing on certain financial reporting formats. Operational policies should also be established at this time. These policies cover the payment of invoices and management of accounting transactions. Operational processes should also be determined, such as setting up and forwarding calls and establishing faxing, emailing, and postal communications.