Why Businesses Have Apps

These days, it seems like every business has an app. What was once a luxury for more established brands is now more accessible and commonplace, and even SMBs have begun to follow the mobile trend. After all, an effective mobile strategy requires more than an online domain that’s optimised for handheld devices. And most of the time, consumers frequently interact with companies across all industries through dedicated mobile applications. For example, gaming websites like NetBet, streaming sites like Netflix and fashion sites like Next have dedicated apps for customers to browse instead of having to browse through the website; users are able to do so through a dedicated app.

But in case you’re still unsure why businesses invest in their mobile apps, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. This article will talk about some of the benefits that they reap by choosing to have one. Continue reading if you want to learn more.

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/q8U1YgBaRQk

Elevates visibility

Some sources show that most people today spend a little under five hours on their smartphones daily. While it’s undoubtedly true that only a few apps will make up their total usage overall, users will still need to scan and scroll through the applications on their devices that they want to use. Since they’re likely to go through most of the apps, it effectively puts companies who have them at an advantage as they end up more visible than they otherwise would have.

As we all know, the more exposure a business gets, the greater its chances of drawing in prospects and generating more revenue. In this regard, apps can function as marketing tools and help brands and companies improve their sales numbers.

Builds brand awareness

Speaking of marketing, mobile applications also contribute to businesses by helping them create brand recognition and awareness. For starters, an app is not unlike a billboard sign. It’s possible to make it functional, informative, bold, stylish, or hip. When paired with features that give consumers value and attractive designs, it can make a company more memorable since the mind usually records all of these subconsciously. And because some ninety-five percent of buying choices are subconscious, it can be helpful.

Improves engagement

Whether it’s a spa service or a flower shop, consumers must always have a means of reaching the business. Having a help desk or messaging feature within their applications makes a significant difference in how they can communicate with their target audiences. It also offers an unparalleled level of convenience for customers. For example, instead of having to call a dining establishment for a reservation, they can simply use the application platform, saving them more time in the process.

Cultivates loyalty

Lastly, the cultivation of loyalty is one of the most important reasons businesses use apps. They’re able to keep their customers more engaged by offering them a platform relevant to their business. With so much noise, be it roadside banners, newspaper ads, websites, online ads, and email marketing, it’s easy for a company to lose its impact on all the advertising that surrounds us. With a mobile app, they can create and strengthen their connections. Because of this, they can build and cultivate a greater level of loyalty than those that don’t have their own apps.


Let’s face it: mobile applications have now become standard in the business world. Beyond exposure and brand recognition, apps can improve engagement and strengthen consumer loyalty. So make sure that your business has an app—it will make a big difference to your future bottom line.

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/4V8uMZx8FYA